waitinglist2007-11-06 20:18:17
刚刚发现下面新的信息, 请问是绿卡批了吗?谢谢!
Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.
On November 6, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before you get your new card call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.
小燕南南飞2007-11-06 20:29:25
waitinglist2007-11-06 20:45:10
小燕南南飞2007-11-06 20:56:11
看来给第一夫人写信是有用滴。~~ 恭喜您!今天可以乐一乐了!
树影摇墙2007-11-06 21:31:19
waitinglist2007-11-06 22:33:57
Sample letter from this 移民论坛 website....
wxyz12342007-11-08 02:43:35