want2ndJ12004-06-18 06:58:14
Hi, every one:
it seems that all the door is closed to me, I don't know what to do now.
I used to stay here with a J2 visa, then transfer to O3, but I am not permit to work with this Visa just like H4. But I really want to work. It is almost imporssible to get waiver from my hu*****and's university at present, I hate it so much. So I am thinking transfer from O3 to J1 so that I may start to work. Even though that I have to waive for myself. But the problem it that I don't know whether this transfer is permitted or not.I think the J2 histry maybe will affect my J1. Any one who know something about this, please help, thanks a lot!!!
这样的经历不多吧?2004-06-18 14:17:41
问international office,这里问没用,象你
want2ndJ12004-06-18 16:26:38
回复:问international office,这里问没用,象你
guancook2004-06-18 18:58:09
want2ndJ12004-06-18 19:57:09
thirdcoun2004-06-18 23:21:47
you can transfer to J1 through
want2ndJ12004-06-19 00:13:08
回复:you can transfer to J1 through
来的吧?,2004-06-19 21:58:48