xiaomili2007-11-27 18:49:57
请教Pjiang, 白兔等各位大侠,我现在在学校h1b full-time, 想转到另一学校同类性质的工作h1b part-time 工作,然后在该校读书,请问该如何操作?另外,h1b part-time job 最少要每周工作几小时?非常感谢。
pjiang2007-11-27 18:55:16
回复:question about h1b tansfer from academy full-time to another
xiaomili2007-11-27 19:04:00
回复:回复:question about h1b tansfer from academy full-time to anot
pjiang2007-11-27 19:08:29
Your employer - 回复:question about h1b tansfer from academy full
xiaomili2007-11-27 19:12:05
Pjiang, thanks a lot !