Mountainbeauty2007-11-30 02:42:46
Just got the rfe:

Submit a currently dated letter or other evidence from your intended permanent employer that indicates your current position, if any, your proffered position, the date you began employment and proffered salary or wage. The letter must indicate whether the terms and conditions of the employment based immigrat visa petition (or labor certification) contiune to exist.

我是NIW, 没有换工作,但是title换过。

2) supervisor sign行吗?

THIS IS CONFIRM that XXX is currently employed in a Computer and Network Technologist position with the University of XXX (UUU). At present, his salary is $XXXXX per year.

XXXX joined XXX Research Team at UUU since February 2002. From that time to present, XXXX continues working at same research area – XXX. His job duty never changes.
wkdz2007-11-30 05:18:36
高山丛林2007-11-30 05:51:28
回复:xiaobaitu, Urgent Help on 485 RFE!!!
black07022007-11-30 08:08:20
computer行业居然也够NIW ???
MountainBeauty2007-11-30 11:05:37