NIWWWer2007-12-04 00:58:19
NIW/PD: 10/2005, NC cleared on 11/2/2007 but unfortunately it seems I missed the last GC train. I could get the GC in a month but now it may take up to 2 more years. The HOPE is diminishingggggg...
tutututu2007-12-04 01:13:41
My PD 03/2005, NC cleared in 07/2007
谢谢回答2007-12-04 01:31:28
I've missed 09/2005 和 11/2007, 运气不在,没有办法。不要想太多了。
zaimei2007-12-04 01:43:16
回复:I am too
lucky1012007-12-04 05:23:57
回复:not too bad.