xiaobaitu2007-12-04 20:17:23


1. Ivan wants the right to use the money, which he is the sole bread earner, the way he see fit. Karen, a home-maker will be given the present salary by him plus $5000 a month. She obviously has the right to spent the money as she likes .
2. Ivan wishes to have more children or at least one more and Karen doesn’t want to and Karen is also getting old and had 3 c-sections, one c-section from previous marriage. Karen may decide to have one more and to start trying to conceive after Aug-Sept 2008. So the couple with wait till that time to decide whether they will stay together or go their own way
3. If they were to divorce. Ivan will give Karen one million dollar in 3 installments and complete it within 3 years or sooner.
4. Then Ivan will continue the present salary plus the $5000 per month till the youngest become 18 years old. The salary will discontinue on the day Karen marries someone else.

结婚几年来,尽心尽力照顾这个家庭,家务样样是好手,现在心已凉透,不想和这样的人继续过日子,请大家帮我看看这样的离婚条件对和我孩子们公不公平? 他给我的薪水是税前6万,税后4万多。(因为我在中国是职业妇女,大公司的部门经理,他说到美国后不需要我工作,只需要照顾家庭,他会给我一份薪水,由我自由支配。其实我在家帮他做很多paper work的工作。)


taotaomao2007-12-04 21:00:15
AllWillHave2007-12-04 21:38:22
Latony2007-12-04 21:39:37
There must be good reason for her. We should understand her.
pharmacyelite2007-12-04 21:40:36
Well, everyone wants GC, money, good life at same time.
Latony2007-12-04 21:46:15
Right, everyone hope to have good life even you are in China
blackbird-md2007-12-04 21:51:39
美国人? 骨子里还是中国人.
xiaobaitu2007-12-04 22:32:04