home based part time job offer
16 Broderick Avenue,
Accra TN995
I am XXXXX I am the Managing Director of XXXXX Enterprise, a
company which deals in African Prints, textiles, and fabrics.
We are located in West Africa. We also have clients in parts of
Europe, North America and Asia. We always ship products to our clients
first and then they send payment afterwards. Online sale of our
products and online payment is not possible either because paypal and
credit cards processing, etc don't exist in this region as of now.
Furthermore processing cheque payments from foreign countries takes
too long a time here and this affects our cash inflow negatively.
As an individual would you be interested in acting as our receiver
agent in your country on a part-time basis. No risks and no strings
attached. All you have to do is receive payments from our clients on
our behalf. These payments from our clients will be in the form of
cashiers cheques, issued in your names as our agent and will be sent
to your specified address via mail. Whenever there is payment to be
made by any client we can send your name as our agent. For rendering
this valuable service you get to keep 10% of whatever amount you
receive from our clients and send the rest to us as cash according to
our payment instructions.
please note: you are not paying for anything. We only require your
honesty and reliability. payment cheques are from 2,500 dollars to
10,000 dollars. It all depends on you.
If you are interested in our offer then send your full names and
mobile number so we can respond with further details about this.
Thank you for your time.