Chicago12004-06-23 14:58:49
She extended her B2 visa for another 6 month in 2002, but left 3 months before the 2nd visa expires. To summarize the success, it helps a lot to:
1. Be honest (VO asked whether I have child, Mom told the truth, yes, but make it clear that she is not here to take care of my child.)
2. Wait for at least 1 and half year since she last left US.
3. Be very prepared of the documents regarding the son/daughter in US.

Wish you all the luck you also need.

And I also have a question. On the application form, my mom stated that she is applying for a 3 month visa. And I heard that since she is landing in Chicago, she has a very big possibility to be granted a 6 month visa when shen enter US. Would you recommend her just stay 3 months, so that she can get visa next time smoothly? Or do you think she can stay 6 month and won't affect her next visa application, as technically she won't be extending her visa? Thanks in advance for any clue!

Happy Daughter
immigrate2004-06-23 16:22:25
annotation on the visa is a
TwoIssues2004-06-23 16:48:39
回复:Mom Got Visa After 2 Rejects,b
immigrate2004-06-23 16:55:50
I think you misunderstood him/
yaaaaa?2004-06-23 18:48:18
be careful.
Chicago12004-06-23 18:48:19
回复:I think you misunderstood him/
chicago12004-06-23 18:54:32
回复:be careful.
TwoIssues2004-06-23 19:57:45
回复:回复:I think you misunderstood him/
houmom2004-06-24 16:43:53
回复:Mom Got Visa After 2 Rejects,b
Chiago12004-06-24 18:11:52
回复:Don't know about Detroit
pvisa2004-06-24 19:27:41
回复:Mom Got Visa After 2 Rejects,b