1:律师写的是Dr.xxx 的形式,可是自己读觉得别扭,是否可以换为第一人称?
2:petition letter里大段引用推荐信的内容,占用了4页(6封),这合适吗?共10多页,会不会太长了?
"INA Section 203(b)(1)(A) establishes the proceedings which list be proved for petitions requesting that classification. Aliens with extraordinary ability are those with "extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics which has been demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim and whose achievements have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation." The petitioner list be one of "that small percentage who have risen to the very top of the field of endeavor," to be granted this classification. For example, if the alien receives a major internationally recognized award, such as a Nobel Prize, he/he will qualify for an EB-1 classification. Other awards may also qualify if he/he can document that the award is in the same class as a Nobel Prize. Since few workers receive this type of award, alternative evidence of EB-1 classification based on at least three of the types of evidence outlined below, is permitted. The worker may submit "other comparable evidence" if the following criteria do not apply:1,2,3,......."