maomaogou2007-12-16 22:16:16
g. Have you, or any other person included in this application, been employed
in the U.S. since last admitted or granted an extension or change of status?

If you answered "Yes" to Question 3g in Part 4 on Page 3 of this form, fully
describe the employment. Include the name of the person employed, name and
address of the employer, weekly income and whether the employment was specifically
authorized by USCIS.
如果你对问题 3g 回答了”是”,请说明工作情况,包括受雇人,雇主姓名及地址,周薪,以及工作是否经移民局批准。

When I came to US, My status was F-2. Later, changed to F-1 and have researh assistant (part time) and also worked in a company during OPT. After OPT I continued to study with F-1 with teaching assistship until now. Currently, i am applying for H4, how may I answer the question above? Thanks a lot for your help!
pjiang2007-12-17 00:26:41
Describe your OPT employment - 回复:H4 application issue-thanks a