wuf2wuf2007-12-21 05:02:50
Just want to share my experience for calling USCIS to check the NC status:

1. Use POJ method. Here is the link how to:

2. Keep calling until you reach a customer Rep, it might be a rep or an IO. It’s no use to speak with a rep, they cannot access your case from the system. If you are lucky to reach a NICE IO who is willing to help you, here are the questions he need to assistant you for status inquiry.

2.1 Your Name…
2.2 Your Case#, case type ( We only care I-485…)
2.3 Your DOB ( Date of Birth)
With this info, they can locate your case status from the system.

Good luck!

usedtobeadoctor2007-12-21 14:35:28
Thank you for sharing!