我能绿不2007-12-22 15:56:46

1. PhD Chemistry from a top 20 Univ.
2. Postdoc now in top 1 school.
3. 10 journal paper (2 to be submitted, 7 English, 3 Chinese), total 20 citations (2 of English articles). All English papers published in top 1 feild journals.
4. 3 US patents + 1 Chinese patents filed
5. 1 international conference top 15 posters award, 1 Chinese fellowship (Award 这一项比较弱)
6. no reviewer experience.
7. 8 internet-based media
8. Sigma society, ACS society, Biophysics Society
9. 8 letters: 1 China advisor, 1 PhD advisor, 1 PhD committee, 1 postdoc advisor (national academey engineering). 1 prof from national academy sciences, 1 national lab, 1 field pioneer from Germany and 1 from assis prof.

这就是我现在的全部情况,大家评估一下NIW和EB1A的成的可行性吧?xiexiexiexie. 大家节日快乐哈~!
春夏秋2007-12-22 16:35:00
No problem.
pharmacyelite2007-12-22 17:13:21
good background. Find a good lawyer.
有聊2007-12-22 20:06:45
NIW>qualified. EB1A,depends on how ur contribution is viewed
有聊2007-12-22 20:12:48
go with EB1A to avoid PAI QI
我能绿不2007-12-22 20:27:06
但我没review,这个是必须的么?回复:go with EB1A to avoid PAI QI
有聊2007-12-22 21:08:28
有聊2007-12-22 21:14:11
我能绿不2007-12-23 00:33:46
有聊2007-12-23 19:10:59
pharmacyelite2007-12-23 22:39:42
I also don't have reviewing experience but also got it.
我能绿不2007-12-24 18:10:26