两周前我开车不小心scratch 了旁边的车,drove away,今天对方insurance agent 告诉我,有目击证人告诉事主,who report to police man shortly,policeman 并作了document. 对方保险公司告诉我DAMAGE 是 a very little splot 调了油漆,估价200刀。对方告诉我IF YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF THIS AMOUNT MONEY, ploice will not do anything with this accident. This document will not affect your immigration status unless you cannot take care of it and we fill a legal form to the court and collect the money. Is this true? 我想和事主私了,但他已经报警。这样我在美的身份是否已经有影响?申请绿卡甚至在美国工作都很有问题了,我正在申请H1-transfer,是否也没有希望了?恳请各位指点!