J1H1GC2004-06-28 08:32:57
I prepared my EB1-OR, whih, as The International programm ofice guys said, is the most impressive one they received at the University. I saved the file in a Zip drive which was damaged (I can't open it now). If some one can fix it, you can have a copy for Ref.

P.S. I have my GC approved one months before
也想自己办EB1OR2004-06-28 15:23:11
GreenCard92004-06-28 15:27:13
I want a copy too.
comzhang2004-06-28 16:04:26
Apply_GC2004-06-28 17:13:02
Do you mean you will send
guancook2004-06-28 18:31:40
J1H1GC2004-06-28 19:03:31
Could you share your idea how
Ijustgot2004-06-29 00:10:33
Let me try to open it
thanksinad2004-07-12 20:45:52
jih20082004-09-05 14:24:30
I want a copy too
jih20082004-09-05 14:25:55
I want a copy too