ycning2004-06-28 16:36:23
I'm filling the DS-156 for my visa revalidation. Get stucked by the
question#2: Place of Issuance (for my passport)_City, Country, State. I know
this is an easy question for most of people. For me the situation is a little
bit different. I lost my passport last year and got a replacement from the
Chinese Consulate in San Francisco. So, should I fill in for the question#2
with San Francisco, USA and California? This looks weird, after all, it's a
Chinese passport. Anyone has similar experience?

Also, my company has filed I140 for me. For question#36 (Has Anyone Ever Filed
an Immigrant Visa Petition on YOu Behalf? If Yes, Who?), should I answer my
company's name or the lawyer's name?

fchencn2004-06-28 16:45:43
The answer is in your passport