大家好! 我有一些有关签证和绿卡的问题,希望大家给我提点建议。
公司让我选择:1)今年4月申请H1B,若不成则再申请O; 2)现在开始准备并申请O,若不成则明年申请H1B.
I am holding L2 visa and working with EAD (expiring March 2009).
I have the following questions:
1. If I go for O visa first, normally how long will O visa take? With "premium process" how long will it take? 万一O签证被拒,我还能有时间赶上今年的H1B吗? I just don't want to wait for another year for H1B (and that will also depend on a successful extension of my current visa which nobody can guarantee). It will delay my future green card application too.
2. My manager approved to sponsor whatever visa application needed, but he prefers me to go for H1B first, in order to be safe. But I heard that the requirements of O visa is same as EB1b green card, does it mean that if I get O visa, there is a very high chance to get EB1b approved also?
3. 申请 EB-1 绿卡类并无学位要求一说,任何学位的拥有者或是无学位人士,都能提出申请, but is there any requirements on the job deion or employer (e.g. the employer must be a research institute/university, and the position is a research position, etc)? I am doing some development work (not much of research) in a big internet company, will I be eligible for O visa or EB1b?
4。Is is possible for me to find some sample recommendation letters for O visa or EB1b application?