dhjhappy2008-01-15 18:13:09
我和LP分别于去年11月20,28 日 called for a request of outside normal processing times。 今天同时受到移民局的回信,但是内容不同。我的理解是:我的namecheck 过了,但LP's 还在等,但是我们昨天打电话给TXS被告之:
both of our cases are pending by name check but fingerprint check are clear. 请给xiaobaitu and Pijiang 指点解释以下。十分感谢

Based on your request we researched the status of this case. We are actively processing this case. However, we have to perform additional review on this case and this has caused a longer processing time. if you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 60 days of this letter, please call customer service at the number provided below.


LP's response:

The processing of your case has been delayed. A check of our records establishes that your case is not yet ready for decision, as the required investigation into your background remains open.
Until the background investigation is completed, we cannot move forward on your case. These background checks are required to be completed on all applicants who apply for the immigration benefit your are seeking. we will make every effort to make a decision on this case as soon as the background checks are complete. if you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, please contact us by calling our customer service nmuber provided below.

dhjhappy2008-01-15 18:12:56
Pijiang, Xiaobaitu, Plese come in
xiaobaitu2008-01-15 18:21:02
bioinfo2008-01-15 18:37:01
neither letter implied name check clear, this is routine letter
dhjhappy2008-01-15 18:42:10
dhjhappy2008-01-15 18:44:32
回复:neither letter implied name check clear, this is routine lett
sanzi24682008-01-16 14:28:16
回复:关于移民局回复 request of outside normal processing times 的问题请教xiaob