肥猴瘦猪2008-01-15 20:49:13
公民申请于2006年8月送交, 9月份打了指纹, 然后就再没消息。 去年做了两次InfoPass, 被告之INS在等FBI的背景调查。 给INS打电话, representative给local office送了个notice, local office稍后来封信, 内容还是在等FBI背景调查, 没给任何timeline. 10月份给senator office写信, 请代问FBI背景调查进展, 昨天收到senator office的回信, 说FBI replied, 以下是FBI的回信。

“Please advise constituents that the FBI does not expedite name check requests. The customer agency determines the expedited handling of name checks.

A review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI’s) Name Check Program database concerning xxxxxxxx, revealed that a request was received from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services on 09/07/2006, and is currently in process.

The FBI processes millions of name check requests each year with each requiring thoughtful consideration. We know how important this information must be to your constituent; however, the FBI must also balance the need for national security in preparing the response to each of these requests. The FBI’s homeland security mission requires that our name check process be primarily focused on an accurate and thorough result. While an exact date for completion of this review cannot be given be assured that the results will be made available to the immigration authorities as quickly as possible.

I trust this information will assist you in responding to your constituents.

Section Chief
National Name Check Program Section
Records Management Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation”

Senator office的工作人员在信中说他两个月后会再check with FBI. 请教各位大侠, 除了等下去,我还有什么其他的办法吗?这该死的FBI NC, 如梗在喉啊。

donkeyroad2008-01-15 21:52:01
回复:请教各位大侠有关FBI Name Check的问题, 深谢!
肥猴瘦猪2008-01-15 22:17:30
不幸,还没interview呢, 唉。。。。。。