南河砂2008-01-16 16:36:44

我姐夫2年前刚来美国的时候因为HIT & RUN被arrest一天,当时没有任何伤亡,他身分合法(H4), 有驾照,有保险, 其实是因为他当时英语很差,语言无法沟通发生的误会. 案子很快就dismiss掉了。但留有指纹记录, 有一项arrest record. 他现在持H1B签证,下个月准备回国探亲,我很担心因为这个记录他会被据签。但是如果要他等拿到AP再回国,那也确实太久了。因为我姐姐(主申请人)的140刚递交(单独申请),现在又排期。。。唉,不知道我的担心是否多余。

1. DS-156申请表上有“Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime, even though subject of a pardon, amnesty or other similar legal action? Have you ever unlawfully distributed or sold a controlled substance(drug), or been a prostitute or procurer for prostitutes?“ 必须回答yes吗?
2. DS-156申请表上有”While a YES answer does not automatically signify ineligibility for a visa, if you answered YES you may be required to personally appear before a consular officer.”
3. 是否会因为这个record和指纹记录而先入为主地产生负面印象而据签?
4. 是否会 Check 比较长的时间?

Thanks a million.
xiaobaitu2008-01-16 16:48:06
南河砂2008-01-16 17:01:10
Thanks a lot!!!
不知修匙2008-01-16 17:02:47
giant_hippo2008-01-16 17:07:44
Hit & Run can be both misdemeanor & felony