haoduowenti2008-01-23 19:44:02
MICHIGAN刚发布新规: 申请驾照要有绿卡, 那拿学生签证和工作签证的人怎么办?


"Michigan has many outstanding residents who contribute greatly to our economy and society even though they're here on a temporary basis," Land said. "Businesses rely on these talented individuals as well. Under the attorney general's opinion, those who are in the country legally but on temporary student or work visas are ineligible for a Michigan license, though most still can drive using the license of their home country. We need to reconsider that aspect of the law to avoid unintended consequences for individuals or job providers. I encourage citizens to voice their support for our proposal and contact their legislators."

woo~hoo2008-01-23 20:59:48
不可能。回复:申请MICHIGAN驾照必须要有绿卡, 那拿学生签证和工作签证的人怎么办?
aa1234562008-01-23 21:32:36
goodluck20062008-01-24 03:29:53
lzr2008-01-24 16:25:32