要来不及了2004-06-30 16:40:52
刚刚看到U.S. Department of State的网站上有There are delays due to security checks.我的IAP66十一月底三年到期,是不是要来不及转h1了?
xingb722004-06-30 17:11:51
回复:J-1 waiver要多长时间?
afeiya..2004-06-30 17:42:55
回复:J-1 waiver要多长时间?
要来不及了2004-06-30 17:51:36
回复:回复:J-1 waiver要多长时间?
要来不及了2004-06-30 17:53:43
回复:回复:J-1 waiver要多长时间?
=boss2004-06-30 18:03:03
PI is principle investigator
stp2004-06-30 18:28:02
没什么, 能延就延. 如果没什么意外, 时间差不多.
delt2004-06-30 19:03:04
time is too tight
afeiya..2004-06-30 19:07:58
no influence, as i know
J1ThenH12004-06-30 19:47:26
You may not have enough time