resonance2008-01-29 19:29:58
My wife is current under H1B on her own and is planning to work under EAD after her current contract (till May). Based on what you wrote in your blog(below), my understanding is that we'd better COS for her to H4 based on my H1B (I am principle applicant for GC).

1. My question is when we should submit the application for her H4? My concern is: too early, in case she is approved for H4 or once we receive the receipt notice, she will automatically become H4 status, which prohibit her to work before May. On the other hand, of course, too late, there will be a break of her nonImmgration status.
2, second, should I apply for her H4 through my H1B sponsor or we can do it by ourself (just fill in some forms and pay the fee)?

I very appreciate your reply!

"对于 H-4 而言,如果使用了 EAD,其 H-4 就没有了。在其 LD 的 H-1 身份保持的前提下,H-4 可以于 H-4 过期前在境内 extend 其 H-4 身份。
经常有人 argue 有没有必要这么做,因为在使用 EAD 的情况下,即使通过 H-4 extension 而 reinstate H-4 了,其 H-4 身份又迅速地被 EAD 的使用而变成了 AOS.
这是花钱不讨好么?老师不这么认为。前面已经提过,USCIS 其实并不掌握 EAD 的使用状态。如果 H-4 一直在程序上保持了其身份,即使是使用了 EAD 而最后 I-485 被拒,也不一定需要离境去签证,除非你得到的 I-797 上不带 I-94 卡。
相反,如果没有延 H-4 而造成了非移民身份的明显断裂,在 I-485 被拒之后再去延 H-4,那十有八九是会收到 I-797B 的了,还不如直接离境去签证好"
pjiang2008-01-29 19:36:22
She mails I-539 2-4 weeks before H-1 expiry - 回复:Pjiang, 请please