梦里身外客22008-01-29 20:49:21
ANobody2008-01-29 20:57:54
只干1或2个月被雷: You still have a spot...根本就没干活: Not sure
梦里身外客22008-01-29 20:58:57
so, what is the visa status?Thanks
ANobody2008-01-29 21:11:23
You might need to change back to H4
梦里身外客22008-01-29 21:12:40
but,if I have no paystub, can I chang back?
ANobody2008-01-29 21:21:25
Why can't? The worst case is you need to apply it at a consulate
梦里身外客22008-01-29 21:26:56
Thanks for your answer.