请关照2008-02-01 18:23:12
to an immigration officer"

My name check was clear months ago. A month ago, I called NSC to know what's going on with my 485 case. A lady told me that "your case is waiting to be assigned to IO, and please contact us again if you don't hear anything with 30 days" . I called NSC this morning, I got the same answer and suggestion. What can I do? Please advice, thanks!
radiology2008-02-01 19:18:30
回复:wait, hope you will get soon
voyager_0082008-02-01 20:11:02
I got the same answer. Is your PD current? Mine is
请关照2008-02-01 21:16:49
Thanks! I hope so, too.
请关照2008-02-01 21:18:11
My PD is current.