nnb2008-02-05 18:58:21
Happy new year to all!

My parent want to visit us next month and stay less than 6 month, but we prefer them to come next year after we got our second baby. So they want to come both this year and next year and stay less than 6 month each time.

Our question is that if they can get visa easily for both visit. If they get visa and come to US, stay less than 6 month and go back to China this year, can they get visa easily next year? Are there any waiting period or any kind of restriction?

Please help.
cityzhuzhu2008-02-05 19:18:39
如何申请 中信实业银行代办免面谈申请手续
nnb2008-02-05 19:46:39
Thank you. They have to apply through