今秋十月2008-02-05 20:39:12

A U.S. employer filing a $320.00 form I-129 for an H-1B nonimmigrant must submit the $320.00 petition filing fee and, unless exempt under Part B of the H-1B Data Collectionand Filing Fee Exemption Supplement, an additional fee ofeither $1,500.00 or $750.00.

在表"H1B data collection and Filing Fee exemption supplement"里说,

Is the beneficiary an exempt H-1B nonimmigrant?
1)If yes, is it because the beneficiary's annual rate of pay is equal to at least $60,000?
2)Or is it because the beneficiary has a master's or higher degree in a speciality related to the employment?

这是说如果有master以上degree,或年薪六万以上,就不用交那$1500 additional fee吗?