sososoxiaoli2008-02-13 06:28:29

目前在一半导体公司,140已批,485 交了一年。eb1b outstanding researcher.
working on electronic semiconductor device design & development. 现在有意去
大学工作, EE Department, Assistant Professor (tenure track). Research (very similar to now)为主,要教课。职位名称和工资都会变。不知会不会影响现在绿卡的申请.

pharmacyelite2008-02-13 14:31:32
OK. level is higher or similar should be fine.
sososoxiaoli2008-02-13 18:10:32
有什莫要注意的?回复:Eb1b-485 pending 换工作 from company to university
sososoxiaoli2008-02-13 18:40:39
版主救急Eb1-b 不可以?回复:Eb1b-485 pending 换工作 from company to university