confused&lost2008-02-26 03:58:05
本人小三阳, 不能接受乙肝疫苗的注射, 是不是就不符合vaccination sign-off requirement了? 我在移民局网站上又看到下面这条waiver条款。

Chapter 41 Waiver of Excludability for Immigrants.

Vaccination Not Medically Appropriate . CDC has determined that a particular vaccination would not be medically appropriate in the following four scenarios: ......the vaccine is medically contraindicated (e.g., allergies to eggs or yeast, hypersensitivity to prior vaccines, and pregnancy, among other medical reasons);

pjiang2008-02-26 03:59:05
回复:小白兔,pjiang及各位前辈: 不能注射hepatitis B疫苗, 怎么办?