1000thanks2004-07-08 19:04:05
I am H1. I have a training course in Germany next week and have got all the documents prepared, including the invitation from the company. But the visa to Germany was rejected this morning because I don't have return visa stamped.

Anyone can give me advice how to get the visa. This course is so important for me.

Thank you so much.
germanvisa2004-07-08 19:52:40
How did you plan to come back
1000thanks2004-07-08 19:58:54
How to get return visa now?
Ycart2004-07-08 20:46:34
回复:How to get return visa now?
1000thanks2004-07-08 21:08:28
How to get the US return visa?
Ycart2004-07-08 21:11:31
回复:How to get the US return visa?
1000thanks2004-07-08 21:34:01
Thank you so much, Ycart!
我也准备申请2004-07-09 00:41:45
回复:Help: German 签证被拒.