wandahp2008-03-03 20:24:53
还没有寄出我的申请, 我是不是已经out of status? Thank you very much if you have any such experience!
外星人申请绿卡2008-03-03 21:05:46
那你不是已经OUT OF STATUS 了吗!
wandahp2008-03-03 21:14:09
I emailed the attroney today to push him do it now, Here is his
californianiw2008-03-03 21:44:40
回复:紧急求助! H-1B Change of employer 2月22 最后一天为前雇主工作, 到今天新雇主的律师
wandahp2008-03-03 22:21:37
Thank you, Feels better now, hope the attorney can do it today.