Pain!!!2004-07-09 02:11:48
H1B got laid off last week. Have been waitting for LC for three years, almost get it. Now gone...

Try to find a job within a coupld of Months to transfer H1. Phone calls every day. But the time pressure is enormous. Self doubt. Plan to go back to China ...

Any suggestions to ease the situation ?

Many Thanks !!!
Same_Here2004-07-09 02:16:18
回复:H1B LaidOff
Pain!!!2004-07-09 02:20:23
回复:回复:H1B LaidOff
canada?2004-07-09 02:26:29
how about
92130752004-07-09 17:36:04
You can transfer visa to F-1
itIsnoGood2004-07-09 19:01:16
Last option
Lesson!!!!2004-07-09 23:28:59
A lesson to all of us.
Same_Here2004-07-10 01:28:01
回复:回复:回复:H1B LaidOff