wxcNIU2008-03-07 16:05:05
IO: hello! what do you call about?
A: about my I484.You want to know my rep#
I: Just tell me what is the purpose of your call
A: I want to check the status of my case because it stack at the NC, but a new memo is released..(did not finish)
I: I know, we have a new memo which can help for your NC, what is you catalog, and file date.
A: EB1b, 2006,7
I: we are work on these kind of cases, but due to large amount, because wait until 4.30.
A: but I heard that somebody talking that V# for China EB1b is not availbe. is a rumor?
I: EB1b is current for all area!
A: now is availbe? but how about next month.
I: According to knowledge, now is current for all. Please wait until 4.30. Do not call again before that day (in an enforced tense).
A: OK. I will wait.
So, Just wait, and pray. my fellow prisoner.
wxcNIU2008-03-07 16:04:14
By the way, he emphersize the process the case based on I485 fil
iapcjj2008-03-07 16:14:26
Thanks for sharing
rstuvw2008-03-07 16:46:51
Thanks for sharing! 回复:Just call NSC
lklktg2008-03-07 16:49:24
Did you get any inquiry no? or it is a follow up?
一年回国一次2008-03-07 16:50:45
这一点在每个人的ONLINE STATUS里写得很清楚啊
wxcNIU2008-03-07 22:32:54
Not any promise, just let me wait to find what will happen.