whatthen2008-03-11 16:57:06
Just called this morning. All of a sudden, I was told they sent me a notice for more documents last June. But I never get this. And in a few times infopass and phone calls, I was never told so. The only info I got is always NC pending. Very confused and angry _:mad:. Feel like a puppet, was played in other's hands. Any one has the same situation? And how long would this mess be cleared? Please share.
haoduowenti2008-03-11 17:23:03
maybe he/she entered the wrong number and got the info for other
美西游子2008-03-11 18:05:06
Have u checked your LUD online? 回复:just called NSC
Backtohomesoon2008-03-11 18:08:10
My friend got RFE last week, but nothing shows up in online stat
whatthen2008-03-11 19:15:29
回复:just called NSC