testpilot2004-07-11 03:28:44
For some reason, I didn't have China passport even I am China citizen. I have green card and need travel aboard. Who can help me and let me know how to apply 回美证?
不明白。。。。2004-07-11 05:07:51
Who_knows`2004-07-11 10:51:55
Please tell us more! Or,
testpilot2004-07-11 12:52:38
不一样的?。2004-07-11 15:12:25
哦,那听起来回美证和Advance Parole不是一回事了
`got_it_`2004-07-11 15:29:15
No Passport, no nothing!
testpilot2004-07-11 15:29:40
回复:哦,那听起来回美证和Advance Parole不是一回事了
不好意思帮不上忙2004-07-11 18:06:11