jijizhazha2008-03-12 00:04:56
For credential evaluation,

the BS diploma is in Chinese. I can translate it into English alright. But should the translated version be certified first, and then sent to credential evaluation service center?

Thanks!! You guys are awesome!!!!!

jijizhazha2008-03-12 00:23:01
同舟共济2008-03-12 00:50:05
回复:Dear皮匠和同舟共济,jijizhazha又有关于H1B DIY问题了
kaishui2008-03-12 00:55:21
回复:Dear皮匠和同舟共济,jijizhazha又有关于H1B DIY问题了
jijizhazha2008-03-12 01:16:59
多谢同舟共济和开水,you guys are the best,^_^