greencardanger2008-03-13 20:21:53
This is a typical group who are qualified to the MEMO (approvable cases, PD current,NC pending 180+).What happened was those cases were PULLED OUT last week (some of them were already assigned to IO, some of them waiting to be assigned).
I called NSC yesterday morning at 9:30. A male IO (his name is Kevin) told me my case was assigned for final review since last Thursday. But, he made the following two points:
1). USCIS is concentrating on this group (MEMO qualified applications) and the goal is "clear them up before Apr 30". But due to overloaded capacity and backlog, there are still many cases haven't seen LUD yet.
2). If you've seen these continuous LUD's in the past few days, meaning you were either assigned to IO for final review, or inline waiting to be assigned
3). Once the case gets assigned to an IO, it will be adjuicated in 30 days.

gc_dream2008-03-13 20:42:10
Strong support for 6-7-10-13 fellows
xiaoha2008-03-13 20:47:38
5-6-7-10-11-12 here
一年回国一次2008-03-13 20:55:27