ActNow2008-03-15 06:29:56
There is no error in the listing. The per-country limit is 7%, and it applies to all countries. The reason that the India E2 category had become "unavailable" earlier was because all of those numbers under the 7% limit had been used. Had the ruling described item D not been applied the China category would have become "unavailable" after reaching it's numerical limit. When you see a cut-off date you should not assume that all applicants with a priority date prior to that date have had their cases finalized.
B&W2008-03-15 06:38:51
回复:Response from Visa Bulletin to my Query:
ActNow2008-03-15 06:50:58
回复:回复:Response from Visa Bulletin to my Query:
灌水专用名2008-03-15 07:16:29