whiteheart2008-03-18 18:07:27
My wife got her H1B two and half yeas ago, and now it is time for extend for her second three years. Could anyone tell me which form I should file,what supporting documents I should prepare, and how much I should pay?
I have no idea about this, so any information will be appreciated!
pjiang2008-03-18 18:11:26
I-129 - 回复:Questions: about H1B extention for second three year!
whiteheart2008-03-18 18:36:09
Thank you, Pjiang! two more questions, please see following
pjiang2008-03-18 18:42:39
Keep H-1 as possible as you can - 回复:Thank you, Pjiang! two mor
whiteheart2008-03-18 19:38:29
Wonderful, thanks a lot!