J120042004-07-13 01:00:43
我从H4转为该死的J1,今年8月1日满一年,现在想办waiver,万里长征第一步,申请Case Number.区区一页的表格(DS3035),竟有好几个问题,不好意思.请高人指点.
6. Date & Place of first entrance to U.S. on original Exchange Visitor (J-1)visa:
我来美国(first entrance)的visa是H4, 我如何填写?
10.INS alien registration number:
11. List all exchange visitor programs in which you participated beginning with the first program
12.Give an explanation for any period of time in the U.S. not covered by your IAP-66 or DS-2019.
13.Did your exchange visitor program include U.S. Government funds, funds from your own government, or funds from an international organization? Yes/No
 我如何知道我的program是否含U.S. Government funds?

I140pend2004-07-13 06:06:16
回复:J1 waiver填表求助
J120042004-07-13 14:30:52
Thank you very much.