- 文学城
- [immigration]
祝贺! 怎么要等三周呀?? 回复:卡片收到了。绿后三周,估计最近几天很多同志都会收到了。
那个welcome letter 上说三周之内会收到,真的呢。
哦,好象说绿后一个月内会寄出卡片,welcome letter 收到后
how do u know 2月28号绿? It tells on the card? 回复:那个welcome lette
网上查地,说case approved, card production ordered
对了,welcome letter 和卡上也都有你身份改变的日期。
My card was receieved 7 days after
Is your card comes with the Aproval Notice?
I have not received approval notice, but it was mailed
Thanks. So the Card just come alone?
3 days after card mailed e-mail notice