心乱如麻的未来老妈2008-03-28 20:30:38

NSC 的接线员对于i485 pending >180 的回答是通过投筛子决定的.
2.安慰派:你符合文件精神, 3-6 星期就会批准
_:mad: _:mad: _:mad:

nothing is true. the only truth is wait 4 ever.
puma02022008-03-28 21:33:28
回复:I dont think so.
心乱如麻的未来老妈2008-03-28 21:53:31
回复:回复:I dont think so.
心乱如麻的未来老妈2008-03-28 21:55:42
Did you try that successfully?They cut me off
心乱如麻的未来老妈2008-03-28 22:22:12
final report on 无数次NSC 485 inquiry 失败经验
puma02022008-03-29 18:30:12
回复:successful rate is around 4/5.