2005EB22008-04-10 17:20:29
我现在是H1B, 现公司给我申请的PERM和140, 140在2006年批的, 485已经递上去10个月了,有点想换工作,有有效工卡还没开始用.最近公司搞了个incentive option plan, 也就是为了留住一些骨干搞的, 本来还挺高兴的,因为全公司只有1/10的人有. 可是今天一看条款,那么多的约束, 烦请英文高手帮忙看看, 如果我接受了, 然后在2-3月内换工作的话, 会不会有什么负面的影响, 例如影响绿卡申请或赔偿经济损失什么的, 我不在乎那些Option granted将来值多少钱, 毕竟5年才能全部vested. 下面是几条比较迷惑的:

if Optionee is found by the Committee to have been dismissed for Cause, Optionee shall automatically forfeit all option shares for which the Company has not yet delivered the share certificates upon refund by the Company of the Option Price for such Option Shares.

By accepting thi soption, optionee agrees to remain employed by the company for a period of at least 18 months following the date of Grant, During this period, Optionee will use his or her full time ...... Notwithstanding the foregoing, the grant of this option shall not be construed to imply or to constitute evidnece of any agreement, express or implied, on the part of the company to retain optionee in ths employ or in an other capacity.


2005EB22008-04-10 18:31:08
2005EB22008-04-10 18:31:45
*** 咋没人回答呢?是不是太难了?***
tbbcde2008-04-10 18:49:38
It did not state any consequence
2005EB22008-04-10 19:00:05
Thank you very much for your suggestion!
2005EB22008-04-10 19:13:33
*** 有人和我的经历相似的吗?可否分享一下?***