cactus_ccts2008-04-14 00:32:07
led 485 in July, 07 and received the appointment for finger print in Oct
. 07, but unfortunately, I had to reschedule since I wasn't in US.
But till now, I haven't received any notice from them. My attorney has
called a couple of times. The representative said there was an
administration error. They told us we have to wait another 60 days to file
another formal inquiry.

Anyone has suggestions? How will this impact the GC process?

Thank you very much for the help.
美西游子2008-04-14 04:06:51
Give it a try. good luck 回复:也想打电话问CASE的进展,大家打的什么号
cactus_ccts2008-04-18 15:22:04
回复:Give it a try. good luck 回复:也想打电话问CASE的进展,大家打的