rraacch2008-04-16 16:16:24
Hello, anyone knows if I need to do H1B transfer (A -> B) and meanwhile I need to use my current employer’s (A’s) employment letter to apply for H1B when I go back to China, will there be any conflicts that will have bad influence on my H1B application? Or my current employer will be able to know I am working on H1B transfer, so it will affect my employment status? Thanks huge in advance!!
pjiang2008-04-16 22:21:48
When you apply H-1 visa during H-1 transfer - 回复:Help!! H1B tran
vvnn1232008-04-22 03:41:07
回复:When you apply H-1 visa during H-1 transfer - 回复:Help!! H1B t