右舵左转2008-04-18 01:53:52

1. 今天新的公司的律师说已经帮我和家人递交了H-1B Transfer Petition。事情非常复杂,在这里也解释不清楚,就一个问题,如果我不想再去这个新公司了,还来得及吗?

2. 另外听说有如下新规定,正好我可能马上要出差,好像对我是个直接影响?

In a recent Department of State Cable (attached for your reference), new procedures have been implemented at visa issuing U.S. Consular posts that will result in a possible delay of 4 to 30 business days in the processing of visas for all petition-based visa applicants. Effective immediately, all consular posts must electronically verify that the petition information exists in the Consolidated Consular Database (CCD) before the visa will be issued. If it doesn't, the Consulate must contact the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) by e-mail. KCC, in turn, must confirm the petition information with USCIS and then input the data into the CCD where the Consulate can see it. This process takes from four and thirty workdays to accomplish. At this point, it appears that the majority of petitions to extend or change status have not been input into the CCD. This confirmation process is beyond the control of the Consulate and cannot be waived. Any petition-based, otherwise qualified NIV applicant should be prepared to wait a minimum of 4 workdays to receive their visa.
freecall2008-04-18 02:11:14
cancel it
右舵左转2008-04-18 02:14:28
右舵左转2008-04-18 02:15:56
右舵左转2008-04-18 02:25:33
freecall2008-04-18 16:48:55
It needs your new emplyer to send a letter
briteguy12272008-04-19 08:28:16
回复:十万火急:小白兔,皮匠请进:Crazy H-1B Transfer