485pending4yrs2008-04-23 19:25:46
I got the I797C approval notice for my 485 application. Below is instruction within the notice. Will appreciate a lot if any of you can share your views regarding what should I do next. e.g. Can I request a stamp on my passport via the local office so that I can travel to Canada? Shall I take an initiative to set up a biometrics appointment via the local office? Or I should just wait 90 days doing nothing?

Instruction within the I797 - "The above application has been approved. Prior to receiving your permanemt resident card you may be required to report for biometrics processing (photo / fingerprint / signature). Please do not take any action at this time. If you are required to report for this processing, you will receive another notice advising you of the date, time and location to appear.
If you have not received your pernament resident card or the above metioned notice to appear for biometrics processing within 90 days, please call this office at the number listed below."
whiteheart2008-04-23 19:35:31
Relax, you are too nervous! The notice tells you clearly "do not
485pending4yrs2008-04-23 20:08:16
Tks. Unfortunetely it is not a very relaxing process.
whiteheart2008-04-23 20:21:22
我理解你所经历的麻烦给你造成的心理压力. 我没有经历