我的一个朋友以NIW方式申请绿卡,2003年回国。I140于2004年批准。2005-2007两个学年度在美国一个学校工作,就递交了I485申请, 去年(2007年)7月份回中国,8月收到AP。 H1B是2007年8月底到期,朋友现仍在中国(但可凭AP随时返美)。前两天收到USCIS来信RFE,下面是USCIS来信中要求补充材料的部分的原文:
Please submit proof of your continuous employment authorization/maintaining status in the U.S. from August 31, 2007 to the present. Such evidence may include copies of:
Copies of both sides of your Form I-94 Arrival/Entry Document;
Copies of both sides of your Form I-20A-B/I-D (F1 students and dependents);
Copies of both sides of your Form IAP-66;
Copies of any Form I-797 approval notice/notice of action;
Copies of the pages in your passport which show U.S. visas, Immigration admission stamps or other endorsements;
Copies of any and all Employment Authorization documents issued to you by this Service.
哪位高手弟兄能指点一二, 不胜感谢!也盼与各位分享!我的朋友有可能要求美国的一个学校的教授随时资助他博士后的研究,希望这点能帮上忙!因RFE紧急,希望高手能尽快解答,谢谢!