mimi1002008-05-02 20:34:23
I plan to go to Canada to take vacation for 2 or 3 days. But right now i have not yet got green card, my 485 is still pending.Do i need to apply for visa to Canada? Does Anyone have the same experience? I have AP and EAD. Thanks a lot.
wowenwen2008-05-02 20:34:24
yes.AP is allowed to back to u.s.a. You need visa to Ca.
mimi1002008-05-02 20:37:38
回复:yes.AP is allowed to back to u.s.a. You need visa to Ca.
S&O2008-05-02 21:03:13
no, you donot need it!
wowenwen2008-05-02 23:11:23
Many people do not require a visa to visit Canada.These include:
voyager_0082008-05-02 23:31:16
I did cruise last year to the countries in caribbean sea
voyager_0082008-05-02 23:33:29
sorry pls ignore my comment above.