tigerhuatj2008-05-08 22:47:18
Just did some research these two days. And thank PJ Laoshi because got lot of information regarding this in his blog. Here is my understanding, please tell me if it is right. Thank you very much.

If a former H1B holder come back to US by AP, then his status will be parolee. However, if his/her H1B employment authorization is still valid, then he or she still can work for the same employer by using this H employment anthorization under a status of parolee till the expiration date of the authorization. However, if she or he can come back to H status ( H status is not H1B employment authorization, am I right?) , he or she has to file a new H extension or tranfer.

Is my understanding right?

Thank you very much.
pjiang2008-05-08 22:50:10
回复:PJ AND XBT, is my understanding about the impact of AP on H s
tigerhuatj2008-05-08 23:05:25
回复:回复:PJ AND XBT, is my understanding about the impact of AP on