美西游子2008-05-15 06:09:54
Knowing a lot of negative feedback about infopass, 本人带着充分的思想准备,(大不了皇帝不见), 抱着试探的心理, 去了趟旧金山Infopass.平生第一次来到如此壁垒森严的地方,第一印象可想而知.一再告诫自己: Be positive! Be objective! guess what? It did work to me! This is what I have learnt from my first infopass.

与政府部门打交道, 无论是移民局,领馆, 还是DMV, SSN, 等等, 其随机性和主观性太大啦. 换了不同的官员, 是否之差,黑白之分。 有的同学, 一次受挫,就打退堂鼓. 要有耐心, 不妨 try a few offices, try a few officers. Bear in mind your purpose is to get job done. no more, no less.

Also I found it very helpful if you can ask to talk to supervisor when needed.

Happy infopass!
fff1232008-05-15 06:36:25
What you did and what you got.
美西游子2008-05-15 16:33:20
another example... 回复:Infopass 有感
美西游子2008-05-15 16:36:36
try to get I-551 stamp on my pp. I got very informative